Feel happy to try new good things. Follow your dreams, work smart, practice and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Our recommended Ebook

E book on how to lose 5 kgs in 5 weeks


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Saturday, 23 April 2011

Maintain Your Current Weight, HOW?

Weight management encompasses an array of ways to maintain a current body weight. Weight management is different from weight loss in that you're not trying to shed pounds (which can be challenging). You're just trying to not gain them. Here are some tips. 

1) Be mindful of your weight

It's your best feedback for how your lifestyle and diet are affecting your body. A big part of the reason people gain weight is because it happens gradually, and they don't notice until they've gained a significant amount. Balancing energy intake and energy expenditure is the basis of weight management throughout life.

2) Eating a well balanced, healthy diet helps control caloric intake and maximizes vitamin and mineral intake. When your body has all the needed nutrients it requires, your energy levels stay high and you feel good about yourself. All these factors contribute to motivation to maintain a healthy diet, which in turn makes managing your current weight easier.

3) Keep in mind that fluctuations of 1-3 lbs are normal throughout the week or even during the day

Do not become obsessive about weighing yourself daily; this mindset can become counterproductive. Because of fluctuations in weight during the week, recommendations say weighing yourself once per week is sufficient to help maintain your weight.

4) Balancing physical activity is imperative to maintaining your current weight
60 minutes of moderate level exercise, daily, to maintain weight with out weight loss is recommended. Keep in mind that all exercise is beneficial, even if you can not reach the 60 minute goal each day. Try breaking your exercise routine into portions i.e. a few 15 minute walks per day.
5) Creating a positive outlook on healthy eating, exercise, and weight will make weight management more effective and enjoyable.

Don't do list..

  • Don’t drink chilled or cooled water in the morning.
  • Don’t do exercise constantly. Exercise time should be increased day by day.
  • Don’t do work continuously.

Wednesday, 20 April 2011


We will collaborate with Bangi Fitness.

Thursday, 14 April 2011




1 whole can
some ketumbar
some cili hijau
salt & pepper
1/8 bar of fat free philly cheese
1 egg white

Mix all together and fry on non stick pan.
It's ready to eat!! Try it and you'll love it :)


Make Mealtime Easy
  • Save Time Use ready-to-go menus and shopping lists, or plan your own weekly meals in three easy steps.
  • Save Money Stretch your food RM with dinner ideas that make ingredients go further and let you plan meals ahead of time!
  • Eat Better From quick to healthy, get dinner ideas that suit your needs, as well as a variety of menus for parties and

Healthful Ways to Cook Fish

More delicate than meat, fish can dry out easily. To keep moisture in, cook fish quickly over high heat (grilling, broiling, or sautéing) or gently poached in liquid.

Grilled Fish

When you're grilling fish, keep a close watch. It only takes a few minutes per side before they're done. If the filets are an even thickness, sometimes they don't even require flipping--they can be cooked through by grilling it on one side only.
  • Brush the fish lightly with oil or spray with nonstick cooking spray.
  • Place fish near the edge of the grill, away from the hottest part of the fire. (Don't try to lift up the fish right away; it will be stuck to the grill).
  • Start checking for color and doneness after a few minutes, once the fish starts to release some of its juices.
  • Flip it over when you see light grill marks forming.

Poaching Fish

This gentle cooking method is perfect for seafood. Poaching keeps fish moist and won't mask the delicate flavor of the fish. Traditionally, fish is poached in a court-bouillon--broth made from simmering aromatic vegetables and herbs in water, together with peppercorns and something acidic such as lemon juice, vinegar, or white wine. To poach fish, make your own court-bouillon or simply use vegetable or chicken stock.
  • Use a pan big enough to lay each piece of fish down flat.
  • Pour in enough liquid to just barely cover the fish.
  • Bring the liquid to a simmer, and keep it there.
  • If you see any bubbles coming up from the bottom of the pan, it's too hot--the liquid should "shimmer" rather than bubble. The ideal poaching temperature is between 165 and 180 degrees F (74 to 82 degrees C).

Steamed Fish

Steaming is another gentle cooking method popular in Asian cuisines. It produces a mild-tasting fish that is often paired with a flavorful sauce.
  • Rub the fish with spices, chopped herbs, ginger, garlic, and chile peppers to infuse flavor while it cooks.
  • Use a bamboo steamer or a folding steamer basket with enough room for each piece of fish to lie flat.
  • Pour about 1½ inches of water into the pan.
  • Place the steamer over the water, cover the pot, and bring the water to a boil.
  • Begin checking the fish for doneness after 10 minutes.

Broiled Fish

When the weather's not right for grilling, try broiling instead. Broiling is great when you want a fast, simple, hassle-free preparation with delicious results. It gives fish a nicely browned exterior with the convenience of a temperature-controlled heat source. For easy cleanup, line the broiler pan with a piece of foil.

Baked Fish

Baking fish allows you to get the satisfying crunch of fried fish without all the fat. Just because it's baked, though, doesn't mean it's healthy: watch the amount of butter, oil, mayonnaise, or cheese called for in the recipe.


Low-carbohydrate diets or low-carb diets are dietary programs that restrict carbohydrate consumption usually for weight control or for the treatment of obesity. Foods high in digestible carbohydrates (e.g. bread, pasta) are limited or replaced with foods containing a higher percentage of proteins and fats (e.g., meat, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, cheese, nuts, seeds, peanuts, and soy products) and other foods low in carbohydrates (e.g., most salad vegetables) although other vegetables and fruits (especially berries) are often allowed. The amount of carbohydrate allowed varies with different low-carbohydrate diets.

Carbohydrates do raise blood sugar, because they provide so much of your body's preferred source of fuel: glucose. When glucose levels rise, your pancreas releases a flood of insulin that prompts cells to store sugar. Advocates say that eating a diet low in carb makes weight loss easier because low, steady blood sugar conquers food cravings. But the next step in the low-carb equation is open to debate: Proponents say these diets also change your metabolism so your body breaks down more fats, and--voilà--fewer of the calories you eat are stored as flab.


I know a woman, a friend of a friend, who has a gorgeous figure. She's slim and has a very healthy glow about her. She's no young pup in her twenties. She was born the same year as me.

And the secret to her fit body and vibrant looks is a regular walking regiment. She started this a few years ago, when her two kids were still in elementary school. She wasn't the type of person who enjoyed solitary walks so she joined a local walking club. She's been very serious about it since and walks at least twenty miles a week. Although she's a very social person and has always attracted lots of friends, the four or five women she walks with regularly have become her closest friends by far.

The walking club seems to provide much more than a way to get fit and healthy. The friendships that she's developed there go a long way in making life much more interesting and joyful. Why pay a psychiatrist  to discuss your problems when you can walk and talk it out every day with an understanding friend?


What if someone told you you could lose weight with no effort on your part? What if there was a secret to losing weight that didn't involve increased exercise or decreased calorie consumption? And what if this method was free and easily available to you? Would you jump at the chance to do it?

The secret to some fast weight loss without exercise or diet changes is to drink more water!

Here's where I know there must be some kind of self-sabotage involved in my battle to lose the last ten pounds. I know I should be drinking more water, and it is the easiest thing in the world to do. It doesn't involve willpower, it doesn't involve dragging myself out to exercise, and it doesn't involve cutting back on calories. So why aren't I doing it?

It's not just me. Most North Americans are dehydrated. In fact, chronic dehydration is probably the most common cause of a lot of our health ailments. There are two main reasons so many people are dehydrated these days. We eat less vegetables and fruits (which are water-dense) and more processed foods than we should. And we drink lots of caffeinated beverages instead of water. Caffeinated beverages and alcohol are diuretics. They force more water out of our bodies.
If a person is dehydrated their body compensates by retaining excess water as a protective measure. This alone is responsible for some excess weight. As well, a dehydrated person's metabolism is significantly lower than a normally hydrated person.

Dehydration is responsible for many people's feelings of fatigue. Many people have lost their sense of thirst and mistake it for hunger. Drinking a glass of water will usually greatly reduce any false hunger pangs.

So the solution to losing at least a few extra pounds sounds easy. Start with two glasses of room temperature water first thing in the morning. That's before you drink coffee or eat your breakfast. Try to drink some water regularly during the day. And eat more water dense foods such as vegetables, fruits and even legumes.

I'll get right on it. And I'd be keen to hear any feedback from people who've recently tried this for losing weight.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

8 Langkah Meningkatkan Kadar Metabolisma

Apa yang kita makan setiap hari bukan saja menjadi membentuk badan secara fizikal malah menentukan masa depan kesihatan tulang jantung dan juga risiko mendapat diabetes ketika mencecah usia akhir 40-an.
Oleh itu ambil makanan dan minuman yang mampu merangsang metabolisme antaranya:
1. Menambah cili atau mustard dalam makanan akan membantu membakar sehingga 12 peratus kalori.
2. Lima cawan teh hijau sehari juga dipercayai merangsang metabolisme dan membakar 100 kalori sehari.
3. Amalkan susu soya, tauhu dan kacang soya dalam pemakanan harian. Ia mengandungi oestrogen yang membantu menseimbangkan perubahan hormon yang boleh menyebabkan kelaparan.
4. Pentingkan makanan kaya protein setiap kali mengambil makanan untuk mengekalkan rasa kenyang dan juga melawan perubahan mood yang boleh menimbulkan rasa lapar.
5. Cuba minum susu dan makan telur semasa bersarapan; tuna, salmon, kekacang dan ayam untuk makan tengah hari; daging merah tipis atau produk berasaskan soya bagi makan malam.
6. Amalkan makan kekacang antara makan tengah hari dan minum petang. Badam boleh merangsang kalsium yang diperlukan untuk pembentukan tulang dan vitamin E bagi mendapatkan kulit yang berkualiti dan cantik selain membantu mengawal berat badan.
7. Beri perhatian kepada makanan yang kaya dengn nutrisi dan jangan ‘bazirkan’ kalori anda untuk makanan yang tidak mampu merangsang nutrisi penting untuk badan.
8. Tukar diet bebas lemak dan karbohidrat kepada diet sihat yang seimbang dengan mengawal peratusan makanan yang diambil.

Find Your Diet Buddy in "VIRUSKURUS"!

If you are really serious about your diet, you may need someone else to help push along in your effort to get healthy. Besides that, within your diet buddy, you can share anything about your progress diet because they will understand you better than other people. Diet buddy also can motivate and discipline yourself coz both of sharing the same dream and mission to diet and adopt the healthy lifestyle. A boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife could be a good buddy.....but sometimes it also be a recipe for disaster! So, you must find your true diet buddy now. Here are a few tips on finding the ideal diet buddy:
  1. Someone who is honest but not mean. Someone that would say, "Don't eat that nasi lemak because that's going to equal extra time on the treadmill tomorrow" instead of, "Don't eat that nasi lemak, your body now look like a giant."
  2. Someone with your best interest in mind. This person will understand the sensitivity of loosing weight and try make it easier for you.
  3. Someone with similar goals in mind. say you want to lose 10kg, then find someone else who also wants to lose 10kg. If you want to lose 15kg and they only want to loose 5kg you are most likely not going to harmonize.
  4. Someone you always communicate with.
  5. Someone who does not live with you. As supportive as your husband or wife, they may not be the best for helping you lose weight
  6. Someone who enjoy similar rewards. If both of you enjoy shopping, you could celebrate reaching your goals with shopping trip together for new duds for your new bods.
So, do not late to find your true Diet Buddy. Here in "VIRUSKURUS" we will help you to find Diet Buddy that fits with your. 

Dark chocolate better than fruit juice?

Great news for chocolate lovers: new research published February 7 in Chemistry Central Journal claims that chocolate contains more antioxidants (polyphenols and flavanols) than fruit juice. Take note: the research was conducted by Hershey.
When researchers at the Hershey Center for Health & Nutrition compared antioxidants in dark chocolate to those in fruit juice powder, they found that the chocolate trumped the juice with more antioxidant capacity, and a greater total flavanol content. In the study, cocoa products beat out blueberry and cranberry powder on the antioxidant scale. Cocoa powder, however, fell short of pomegranate juice.
 "Cacao seeds should be considered a 'superfruit' and products derived from cacao seed extracts, such as natural cocoa powder and dark chocolate, as 'superfoods,'" researchers said.
Other studies have found that antioxidant-rich chocolate may decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease. The US-based National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute analyzed the chocolate habits of almost 5,000 adults. Those who ate chocolate five or more times a week were 60 percent less likely to have heart disease. Plus a German study, published in theEuropean Heart Journal, found that modest chocolate intake had a significant effect on people's blood pressure.
But don't get too excited - Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, best-selling authors and celebrity experts, advise that the flavonoid antioxidants in dark chocolate are so powerful that a tiny piece will suffice. "You don't need a whole bar," they say; "a daily piece the size of a Hershey's Kiss can lower your blood pressure.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Ebook- recommended!

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Malaysia ranked 6th in Asia with high obesity

Malaysia is ranked sixth among Asian countries with high adult obesity rate, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Malaysian Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai told a press conference in Malaysia's federal administration center here on Wednesday that the weight of Malaysian students were also on an increasing trend.

While 20.7 percent of Malaysian students were overweight in 2001, Liow said that the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2006 had forecast that the percentage would rise to 26.5 in 2007.

The survey, third of its kind, is done every 10 years in Malaysia, with the first one done in 1986.

Liow said that 60 percent of Malaysians aged 18 and above had a body mass index (BMI) of over 23.

The BMI is a heuristic measure of body weight based on a person 's weight and height. While the range between 23 and 24.9 indicates overweight, a reading above 25 means obese.

Liow said that it was critical for the Malaysian government to tackle the problem as obese individuals encountered higher risks of developing chronical diseases, which would in turn affect the country's productivity.

The minister also pointed out that Malaysians poor eating habits was worrying as their high consumption of fat and meat would lift their body weights, resulting in them developing diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, kidney disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure



Bermula pada 11 April 2011, VIRUS KURUS telah memulakan satu cabaran bagi yang benar-benar mahu kurus.

Bagaimanakah cara menyertainya?

Mudah sahaja, sila ikut cara dibawah?

1. Ambil gambar anda yang terkini. Terkini bermaksud hari ini, iaitu hari anda menyertai cabaran VIRUS KURUS. Kalau ada gambar lama, letak sekali. Lebih2 lagi gambar masa sekolah dulu. Boleh dibandingkan dulu dengan sekarang
2. Update gambar anda seminggu sekali. Lagi bagus, setiap hari.
3. Selepas anda upload gambar anda, sila letakkan tarikh, berat anda semasa gambar anda diambil, ukur lilit pinggang, peratusan bodyfat (jika ada) dan diet yang anda amalkan pada hari itu. Kalau exercise pun, bagitau jugak.
4. Teruskan mengupload gambar anda sekerap mungkin. GENG-GENG VIRUS KURUS anda terus memberikan sokongan jika anda benar2 serius.
5. Jika anda telah mendapat berat ideal yang anda impikan, anda boleh berhenti menjadi peserta. Tahniah! Anda telah berjaya!


Kenapa VIRUS KURUS memulakan cabaran ini?
Ini kerana kebanyakan dari kita sukar mendapatkan motivasi dan gagal mendisiplinkan diri. Jadi dengan cara 'memaparkan' diri sendiri, anda tidak akan ada excuse lagi. Mahu tak mahu, kena kuruskan badan juga

Kena bayar ke?
Ini adalah PERCUMA! Tak perlu bayar apa2. Untuk anda, untuk kami dan untuk semua. Hanya sekadar motivasi dan mendisiplinkan diri anda.

Bukankah ini akan memalukan peserta cabaran kalau dia tak kurus?
Itu bergantung pada keadaan. Kalau peserta rasa dia masih ok, dia tidak akan rasa malu. Tapi, kalau dia rasa dia gagal, dia akan malu sendiri.

Kena invite kawan2 lain suruh Like gambar kita ke?
Itu juga bergantung kepada niat anda. Kalau nak kawan2 lain sokong anda dalam cabaran ini, dipersilakan. Kalau tak berani, buat sendiri2 sahaja.

Malu la nak letak gambar sendiri. Nanti orang kutuk!
Kalau malu, blurkan muka. Takpun, hitamkan muka denga software2 yang ada. Cuma tunjuk badan je. Bukannya orang kenal pun.

Salam Hari Ahad

Salam geng virus kurus...salam Ahad...argh sok da isnin..kali ni bukan nak bagi tips cmner nk kurus tp nak cite cmner VK leh terjebak ngan perasaan nak kurus!hehehehe....sbb dulu VK mmg gemuk..hahah tp leh la tak ngaku..kehkeh...
tadi Viruskurus (VK) ada pegi berjalan kat pasar malam...herm biasalah
hujung minggu macam-macamlah VK kena buat...dengan asignments..+ house chores and ada juga keje ofiz yang VK bawak balik...almaklum VK keje smbil
belajar...herm....sekelip mata,rupenye VK dah keje smbil belajar ni da nak masuk 2 tahun da VK further master kt UITM...bagi VK..Keje smbil belajar ni mmg the best coz this is where u can actually practice whatever yang u belajar dan pengalaman keje tu boleh kaitkan dengan ape yang kite belajar...:)owh tp kalo bab stress tu..biasa lah..STRESS MAKES UP BETTER..STRESS MAKES UP STRONGER......apa pun...adatlah jadi student walaupun part time..keje mmg banyak...tp nak tak nak redah jelah..
kadang-kadang terpiker..dalam kepayahan belajar zaman-zaman degree dulu pun.... VK grad gak..heheheh n nasibla...skang keje pun bolehla....hahah
prinsip idup VK Janji ROCKSSS... :)
oppst ok back ngan my story nape leh terjebak ngan perasaan nak kurus and nak jaga kesihatan ni...SEBABNYA SENANG je....sbb VK takot nak mati muda..
heheh...ok tu no 1..sbb rasenya tak cukup la amalan...owh bukan tu sebenarnya..kalo kurus pun kalo da ajal mati gak..

OK, sebenarnya..kalo VK cite balik hal VK...rase cm menyesal pun ade..hihi
tapi xyah menyesal...sbb semua da berlalu..k ce cite ce citer...

Dulu VK zaman muda-muda zaman umo 20-25 tu VK mmg fit..mmg slim..heheh..VK ni dulu budak ROTU atau PALAPES (askar wataniah)...kt UITM gak....hehhehehe
Mmg VK budak uitm...dulu kini dan selamanya...Tahniah UITM sbbkan jadikan VK ni orang yang berguna :)ok lepas badan fit badan kire x bape gemuk tu...mulala makan macam2 bende...tp dulu oklah sbb asyik kena turun training berlari sana kawad sini sana,berlari g kelas.... bla bla bla...

tp bile da grad tu,...hehehehe VK da start cubby...owh dari 65Kg...naik 75kg...78....85....92...94kg...paling berat...VK penah 95kg u ols!
fuhhh mmg gemokkk...mak aiii muke mmggg tembam gile...peha besanye u ols,
baju semua xmuatlah..payah cari baju...bontot lak....mmg beso la...adeh kalo carik jeans,,kena kai size man..hahahah paling besar size jeans VK 42 u ols...owhhhhh.......kelakar pun ade...mcm2 VK buat tuk kurus..xmakan la
makan Herbal Life yang mahal tu....hahahah..tp semuanya....tak berhasill..


& nOW..VK pada hujung 2010 tersedar diri and cabar diri sendiri tuk jadi jadi kurus...control diri tuk berjaya....tuk jadi org yang hebat dpt control diri sendiri.............

so..hujung 2010 VK buat Atkin Diet...till now..it is already 103 days..
im wif atkin...i feel better....i feel good..now my weight is decrease to 79kg.....my size is smaller and i can wear smaller jeans!!!
:) thats my story then...........be back again with lotsa info....


Saturday, 9 April 2011

Kenapa Anda Perlu Berdiet?

Tentu ramai di kalangan anda yang menyangka diet hanyalah untuk golongan yang ingin menurunkan berat badan saja. Tanggapan ini sebenarnya kurang tepat. Ini kerana diet yang betul bukan sekadar untuk kuruskan badan atau menurunkan berat badan.

Tujuan berdiet sebenarnya lebih luas daripada itu. Diet seimbang penting bagi mengurangkan risiko anda dijangkiti pelbagai jenis penyakit. Antara penyakit yang dimaksudkan adalah barah, jantung, obesiti dan juga diabetes.

Mungkin ada yang tertanya-tanya bagaimanakah cara diet yang betul?
Baiklah, di bawah nanti ada beberapa tips diet yang boleh anda ikuti. Harap ianya boleh dijadikan panduan agar tahap kesihatan anda sentiasa berada paras optimum ya;
1. Memahami Piramid Makanan

Anda boleh merancang menu seharian yang sihat berdasarkan piramid makanan. Fahami jenis makanan yang perlu diambil pada kuantiti yang banyak, sederhana dan sedikit. Nescaya diet anda akan lebih seimbang selepas ini.

2. Pilih Makanan yang Segar

Tahap kesegaran makanan yang anda pilih juga mesti diperhatikan. Sebagai contoh, makanlah sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan yang masih segar.

Perhatikan keadaan fizikal dan warnanya. Pilihlah yang tak layu dan warnanya pula masih terang. Jika dah lebam atau pudar warnanya, baik anda lupakannya.

3. Serat

Jangan lupa memasukkan makanan yang mengandungi serat dalam menu anda. Banyakkanlah memakan sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan dan minum air secukupnya.

Pengambilan serat penting bagi memastikan kelancaran sistem pencernaan anda dan seterusnya ia bekerja dapat bekerja dengan lebih efisien.

Buat masa ni, saya kongsikan 3 cara diet yang betul dahulu. Saya terpaksa berhenti setakat ni dan akan sambung kemudian ya. :)

10 Tips ringkas Kuruskan Badan#

Mesti ramai di antara anda yang berazam nak kuruskan badan, kan? Tapi, untuk menguruskan badan anda ke tahap ideal, ia bukanlah semudah yang disangka. Anda perlukan komitmen untuk merealisasikannya. Berikan diri anda ruang, masa dan usah cepat berputus asa. Anda pasti boleh!

Kalau anda beriya-iya nak kuruskan badan, sebaik-baiknya usahakannya secara semulajadi. Dengan menggabungkan 2 aspek iaitu pemakanan seimbang dan senaman yang konsisten. Biarpun hasilnya lambat sedikit, ianya pasti berbaloi.

Salah satu kebaikannya dapat anda lihat melalui kulit. Kulit akan kekal sihat dan tetap tegang sama seperti sebelumnya.
Justeru, terdapat 10 tips ringkas yang boleh anda amalkan demi mencapai impian tersebut iaitu:

1. Tetapkan matlamat anda untuk mengurangkan berat badan secara perlahan-lahan. Iaitu penurunan dalam lingkungan 0.5kg ke 1kg dalam seminggu.

Biasanya 0.5kg adalah angka yang biasa yang mampu dicapai oleh kebanyakan anda. Tapi jangan terlalu memaksa jika anda tak mencapai sasaran awal. Jika anda dapat kurangkan 0.1kg pun dah bagus untuk permulaan.

2. Sebaiknya, lupakan niat anda untuk mengambil sebarang ubat-ubatan dengan tujuan menurunkan berat badan. Lebih-lebih lagi tanpa mendapat nasihat atau kebenaran doktor plak tu.

Bagi anda yang nak menjaga otot, boleh ambil suplemen seperti Glutamin setiap hari selepas sesi senaman.

3. Ambil makanan dan minuman yang rendah kalori dan mempunyai kandungan nutrien yang tinggi. Kurangkanlah sebanyak 500 kalori sehari untuk tujuan mengurangkan berat badan.

Kurangkan juga pengambilan makanan ataupun minuman yang manis (kandungan gula yang tinggi). Lebihkanlah memakan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran segar.

4. Elakkan memakan makanan ringan di antara waktu makan. Sebaliknya, anda boleh gantikan dengan sekeping biskut krim kraker dengan secawan kopi atau teh kurang manis (rendah lemak). Ataupun makan saja buah-buahan sebagai ganti.

5. Banyakkan minum air mineral dan jangan meminum minuman beralkohol.

6. Tetapkan waktu makan anda setiap hari.

Sebagai contoh:

Sarapan di antara jam 7.00 ke 7.30 pagi,

Makan di antara waktu pagi dan tengahari (10.00 - 11.00 pagi),

Makan tengahari (12.30 tengahari - 1.30 petang)

Minum petang (3.30 - 4.00 petang)

Makan malam (6.30 petang - 7.30 malam)

Kemudian, disiplinkan diri anda agar makan pada waktu yang ditetapkan. Jika dicepatkan atau dilambatkan sedikit pun tak mengapa. Ikut keadaan dan kesesuaian anda.

7. Makanlah di ruang makan dan bukannya di depan tv.

8. Biasakan diri menggunakan pinggan yang lebih kecil semasa makan. Tujuannya supaya anda tidak mengambil terlalu banyak atau menambah lauk-pauk yang berlemak atau berkalori tinggi.

9. Penuhkan hari anda dengan melakukan aktiviti tertentu bagi mengelakkan daripada asyik teringatkan makanan.

Sebagai contoh:

Lakukan aktiviti senaman 3 hingga 5 kali seminggu. Lakukan selama 30 minit setiap hari.

Anda juga boleh pecahkan kepada 3 sesi setiap hari. Iaitu 10 minit untuk setiap sesi. Boleh buat 10 minit di waktu pagi, 10 minit pada waktu tengahari dan 10 minit sewaktu petang.

10. Akhir sekali, pastikan anda mendapatkan rehat secukupnya. Contohnya waktu tidur. Tidurlah dalam 6 hingga 8 jam sehari.

Semoga 10 tips kuruskan badan di atas dapat membantu anda kelihatan lebih langsing ataupun mendapatkan berat badan yang ideal.

Selamat Mencuba!

Saturday, 2 April 2011

Simple Ways to Move Your Body

You hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean?
In general, a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple, doesn't it?
The trick to healthy living is making small changes...taking more steps, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water...these are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic changes.

Simple Ways to Move Your Body
You can start the process of weight loss now by adding a little more activity to your life. If you're not ready for a structured program, start small. Every little bit counts and it all adds up to burning more calories.

  • Turn off the TV. Once a week, turn off the TV and do something a little more physical with your family. Play games, take a walk...almost anything will be more active than sitting on the couch. 

  • Walk more. Look for small ways to walk more. Walk to buy groceries nearby your house or walk on your treadmill for 5 minutes before getting ready for work. 

  • Do some chores. Tidy up your room, working in the garden, raking leaves, sweeping the floor...these kinds of activities may not be 'vigorous' exercise, but they can keep you moving while getting your house in order. 

  • Pace while you talk. When you're on the phone, pace around or even do some cleaning while gabbing. This is a great way to stay moving while doing something you enjoy.
  • Be aware. Make a list of all the physical activities you do on a typical day. If you find that the bulk of your time is spent sitting, make another list of all the ways you could move more--getting up each hour to stretch or walk, walk the stairs at work, etc.

Sunday, 27 March 2011


"Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."  The following are the Top 10 Tips to increase happiness in your life:
  1. Decide to be a happy person. As Lincoln observed, most people, most of the time, can choose how stressed or happy, how troubled or relaxed they want to be. Choose to be happy.
  3. Watch and Read less news.  As a recovering news addict, I know this can be difficult because the stock market fluctuates, politicians politic, and sports teams compete.  But, most of the time, you don't need the stress.  So, just don't watch.  I think it was Henry Thoreau who noted that if you've ever read about a train wreck, you understand the principle and don't need to know any more about it.
  5. Practice the Attitude of Gratitude.   We all have so much to be grateful for.  Just thanking the many people who assist us, encourage us, teach us and open doors for us could take all day!
  7. Take Time.  My dog has taught me much about loyalty, about noticing the sights, sounds, and smells in the yard, about being relaxed and about play.  Eat when you're hungry, nap when you need it.  Get your ears scratched whenever possible!
  9. Laugh everyday.  Hear a joke, tell a joke, laugh at yourself, laugh with your friends and family and co-workers.   There are very few medicines as powerful as laughter, and I don't think you can over-dose, although it is addicting!
  11. Love well.  Express your affection, appreciation, friendship and warmth to those around you, and they will almost always respond in the most amazing ways!  Be generous--it pays great dividends!
  13. Work hard.  This one comes as a bit of a surprise, but there is tremendous satisfaction in being competent, and joy in completing our assigned tasks.  One of the great sources of happiness is to do work that is worthy of you, and to do it well.
  15. Learn something new, everyday.   To be happy, most of us must also be growing, expanding, learning and challenging ourselves.  Read, listen, adapt and stretch to accommodate new ideas and new information.
  17. Use your body as it was designed.   Walk and run, stretch, throw things, and lift things.  Dance!  Exercise is good, but so is making love, mixing up a batch of cookies, or exchanging backrubs.   You have a body and it can be either a source of joy, or a source of aches and pains.  Your choice.
  19. Avoid toxins.  I prefer writing positives (things to do) rather than negatives (things to fear), but reality says there are negative people and there are bad chemicals, stressful noises, and unsafe places.   Don't go there!  Avoid poisons whenever possible.  It seems to work out better that way.

Saturday, 12 March 2011

sorry, we are still under maintainance..


Haloo virus geng!!

We just started our MBA_MIS project....

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