If you are really serious about your diet, you may need someone else to help push along in your effort to get healthy. Besides that, within your diet buddy, you can share anything about your progress diet because they will understand you better than other people. Diet buddy also can motivate and discipline yourself coz both of sharing the same dream and mission to diet and adopt the healthy lifestyle. A boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife could be a good buddy.....but sometimes it also be a recipe for disaster! So, you must find your true diet buddy now. Here are a few tips on finding the ideal diet buddy:
- Someone who is honest but not mean. Someone that would say, "Don't eat that nasi lemak because that's going to equal extra time on the treadmill tomorrow" instead of, "Don't eat that nasi lemak, your body now look like a giant."
- Someone with your best interest in mind. This person will understand the sensitivity of loosing weight and try make it easier for you.
- Someone with similar goals in mind. say you want to lose 10kg, then find someone else who also wants to lose 10kg. If you want to lose 15kg and they only want to loose 5kg you are most likely not going to harmonize.
- Someone you always communicate with.
- Someone who does not live with you. As supportive as your husband or wife, they may not be the best for helping you lose weight
- Someone who enjoy similar rewards. If both of you enjoy shopping, you could celebrate reaching your goals with shopping trip together for new duds for your new bods.

So, do not late to find your true Diet Buddy. Here in "VIRUSKURUS" we will help you to find Diet Buddy that fits with your.
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